Saturday, March 15, 2025

Runnerfell is coming

by Benjamin Kibbey Western News
| August 23, 2018 7:21 PM

The 29th Runnefell for children from ages 3 to 16 is coming on Friday, Sept. 7, and is free to all pre-registered runners.

The event will kick off with a short awards ceremony for the 2018 t-shirt design winner, Allie Beaty, at 3:45 p.m. at the Libby Elementary School track. The Races will begin there at 4 p.m.

There is no late registration, and all registrations are due by Wednesday, Sept. 5. Entry forms are available at The Western News, Libby elementary and middle schools and Kootenai Valley Christian School, as well as various other locations around town (listed below), according to a press release for the event.

Race distances range from 1/8 of a mile to 1 mile, based on age group.

T-shirts are also available for $5 each, and can be purchased when entering.

Finishers will receive a finisher ribbon and various coupons. Each runner will also be able to receive a hotdog, chips and a drink as part of their reward for finishing, according to the press release.

Beaty, a 2017-2018 school year 6th grade student, will receive a $50 cash prize, coupons and a t-shirt for her winning design.

Runner-up artists are Kayla Hoff, Kayden No Runner, Claire Morley, Haylee Hoffman, Joe Sze, Kacin Berson and Kaia Messmer.

Honorable mention artists are Rebecca Smith, Hadleigh Wood, Gabi Rose, Tristan Anderson, Conner Benson and Matthew Sweet.

Runners up and honorable mentions will receive coupons from local businesses, which will be presented at the school some time after the race, according to the press release.

Over 250 students submitted entries into the t-shirt design contest this year.

Other Libby locations to pick up entry forms

Rosauers, Empire Foods, Mac’s Market, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Kooteanai Valley Record, The Montanian