Sunday, March 16, 2025

Vacancy persists on Libby planning board

by John Blodgett Western News
| April 6, 2018 4:00 AM

The City of Libby still seeks applicants — heck, even just one — to fill a city planning board vacancy announced Feb. 20.

“This planning board is a simple board to be on,” Libby Mayor Brent Teske said at the April 2 City Council meeting, adding that “it’s a good stepping stone” for people wanting to get involved with the community.

The opening was created by the resignation of Marvin Sather, who filled one of two city resident positions on the seven-person board. Applicants must therefore reside within Libby city limits to qualify, Teske said.

Council member Kristin Smith, who represents the city on the board, invited anyone interested in learning more about what the role entails to contact her at 406-240-1494 or

“We do need someone with some fortitude and stick-to-it-ive-ness,” she said at the April 2 meeting. “And we’re just working on some really juicy (rezoning) stuff right now.”

Teske said anyone interested in applying can do so by picking up an application at City Hall or online at

There is also a vacancy on the City Council, created by the resignation of Gary Armstrong effective March 31. Applications will be accepted at City Hall until 5 p.m. Friday, April 13.

Applications are available at City Hall or online at