Saturday, March 15, 2025

Questions for hunter who shot dog

| April 6, 2018 4:00 AM

To the editor:

On the morning of Feb. 22, 2018, my neighbor lost his dog to a careless wolf hunter. From the entry of our subdivision in the Yaak, the hunter snowshoed up Yodkin Creek Road, where he began using wolf howls and animal distress calls to hopefully attract his prey. What he heard in reply was howling from my neighbor’s sled dogs. The only dog not tethered (Littlefoot) was lying in the dog yard with his mates. He responded to the hunter’s calls and was shot three times and killed. He was called to his death!

When the hunter approached the dead animal and discovered it was a dog and not a wolf, he quickly left the area without bothering to come into the subdivision to possibly find that dog’s owner.

Even though the hunter was later found not guilty of having broken the law, I have some questions:

Why would an experienced hunter even consider using calls within hearing distance of residences?

Why doesn’t he face a penalty for his tragic mistake?

Why didn’t he identify it was a wolf before shooting?

Why would he fire is gun this close to a subdivision?

—Steve Sturgeon
