Saturday, December 28, 2024

Graham-Cassidy bill is another terrible healthcare concept

| September 26, 2017 4:00 AM

I received a letter from Senator Steve Daines today regarding healthcare. And I must admit I am rather pleased with his take on the most recent GOP proposal (the Graham-Cassidy bill) and why he cannot support it.

In the letter Senator Daines states, “While we may not see eye-to-eye on [healthcare], please know that I will keep your thoughts in mind as Congress considers healthcare legislation that seeks to reduce premiums, save and strengthen Medicaid and protect patients with preexisting conditions.”

The Graham-Cassidy proposal does none of these; quite the opposite. The Congressional Budget Office has not yet released projections for this bill but all other GOP proposals have been projected to greatly reduce enrollees and increase premiums. Graham-Cassidy will eliminate Obamacare subsidies that lower premiums, deductibles and co-pays, and would eliminate federal funding for Medicaid expansion. Graham-Cassidy will allow states to decide whether preexisting conditions disqualify individuals from coverage. States will also decide if coverage payment caps (limits on payment for medical coverage) are allowable.

Graham-Cassidy sounds like a terrible concept for healthcare. Luckily Senator Daines states clearly in his letter his principles regarding healthcare. We can all rest assured that if/when Graham-Cassidy comes to a floor vote Senator Daines will, on principle, vote nay. Either that or our Senator is lying.

—Ben Griffing
