Saturday, December 28, 2024

What brought us to this position of wildfire danger?

| September 8, 2017 4:00 AM

I would like to thank Mark Peck for addressing our wildfire concerns tonight at the Fisher River public meeting. I believe he is sincere when he speaks. Kirk Kraft was also there. I’ve seen him often over the last few days as the Moose Peak fire made its recent run from Bayhorse to McGinnis Meadows and beyond. Kirk, your a good man and a valued neighbor. I do believe you will do your utmost to help us defend our property.

I must admit my naivety wondering where the initial response was to the start of these fires. I understand all the verbiage of lack of resources, yet now that we have a type II team in place, instantly there is talk of mobilizing our local loggers, heavy equipment people, simply empowering our own community to do what needs to be done. There is a world of ability here and resources to be tapped that should not need to be administered from afar.

A friend of mine, a long time type II team member, stated these teams usually spend millions of dollars. How much would it have cost or saved to hit these fires at there onset? To sit and watch a fire for days and hope for the best is not proactive nor what I expected.

Once again, I understand the summer, I understand the lack of resources, but what got us to this place? Relying on a top heavy distant bureaucracy that takes away local discretion may be at fault. How do we change this? I don’t think the Feds are the answer.

—Randy Bock

McGinnis Meadows