Sunday, March 16, 2025

Help area children have a merry Christmas

| October 3, 2017 4:00 AM

The Give A Helping Hand Christmas Program for 2017 is well on it’s way. This is our 38th year for making our children in Troy and Libby have a great Xmas.

With the continuous help of many citizens in Troy, Libby, Houston, Texas and Hayden Lake, Idaho, we have had 37 successful years.

To get signed up on this program for help for the following must be brought to me: proof of eligibility-such as proof of income, or emergencies such as medical expenses, loss of work, etc. (If the parents, or legal guardians are on any government programs, I automatically sign them up); name, gender and age of child; one want and one need (clothing sizes if requested).

The families who get help are asked to write ‘thank you’s’ of the person who took their tag asks for one. I can’t guarantee they will but so far we have had good luck.

Your support would be greatly appreciated. Anyone wishing to help with our program may do so by calling 406-295-4542 or by mail at PO Box 445 Troy, MT 59935 addressed to Fran Stanton-Coordinator.

Thank you for taking time to consider our request for assistance for the communities of Troy and Libby. We do have a nonprofit tax ID upon request.

—Fran Stanton
