Saturday, March 15, 2025

Rob Quist is the man for lovely Montana

| March 21, 2017 2:43 PM

I think all Montanans are artists. I have lived here nearly 20 years, so I am still a “newbie” to the state. I love Montana! It is not only a beautiful place to live, work and play, but it is a “state of mind”; because creative, independent folks live here.

For example, men and women share recipes here! They paint (not just bathrooms), they carve, they quilt, they make music, they sculpt, they write poetry, they pick berries (that’s an art!), and they tell tall tales about how many berries they picked (that’s an art too!).

Montanans care about each other and they ‘take care of one another’. They push each other out of snowbanks, and they don’t stop to ask which political party the driver belongs to, before they do it. OK, we get grumpy with each other, now and again, but deep down where it counts, we’re family.

Do you know how special and wonderful that is? Isn’t that cool?

Montana is too big for words, but we try to paint her in words, and artwork, all the time. This wonderful, amazing place is how I like to identify myself — not with labels, but with the place I call home — Montana — Big, Beautiful, and Generous Of Spirit.

What is this love letter to Montana all about, you may ask?

It is a call to look at the ‘artist’ in the upcoming election. His name is Rob Quist, and he is a cowboy poet, who has spent his life singing about Montana, doing fundraisers all over the state for many causes ­— helping fellow Montanans, because it was the right thing to do.

Do you think he asked which political party the folks he played to were involved in? I doubt it.

Please check his website: I believe you’ll like what you see, in the words, and the artist.

Please vote this May. Thank you,

Christi Ellwood

Libby, MT