Saturday, March 15, 2025

Notes from Helena

| March 7, 2017 3:00 AM

Efforts to keep the infestation of aquatic invasive species away from waters west of the Continental Divide will create many seasonal jobs. Details are below.

I am carrying key AIS legislation, and details will be hammered out in the last half of the 65th Legislature. Sen. Chas Vincent is also carrying important legislation for the AIS program.

The larvae of quagga or zebra mussels have been found in Tiber and Canyon Ferry Reservoirs, both of which are part of the Missouri River drainage. Major effort is to control and contain any adult population via boat inspections, decontamination and public outreach.

Driving feature of the program is that every boat or watercraft entering Montana must be inspected before it is launched. Just as critical is that every watercraft leaving infested waters must be decontaminated. Finally, firewall prevention efforts will be established to ensure that no contaminated vessels cross the Continental Divide into the upper drainages of the Columbia River.

The number of boat check stations is being doubled, plus hours and season length for boat check stations will increase. Pay rate for these seasonal jobs starts at $13.02, more for supervisory positions. Inspection stations include one near Eureka at the border and at the highway rest stop near Troy at the junction of Highways 2 and 56. Stations will run from April through October. Local residents are encouraged to apply.

To qualify for one of the seasonal positions on the AIS team, applicants must be at least 18 years old, possess a valid driver’s license and clean driving record. Additional skills should include excellent customer service, a strong public service work ethic, and the ability to work in a team atmosphere. Interviews are being conducted all over Montana, including FWP Regional HQ at Kalispell March 17 and 18. More information is available at or Montana Mussel Response on Facebook. Local residents are encouraged to apply.

A hearing on rule amendments will be March 14 at FWP Headquarters, 1420 E. 6th Ave., Helena. It will begin at 6 p.m. In regard to rules, proposals include removal of boat drain plugs, a ban on moving water from one stream or lake to another, and live bait must be carried in clean domestic water. Comments on the proposed rule amendments are due by March 17. Comments can be emailed to; or mailed to: Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Fisheries Division, P.O. Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620-0701.

A wide spread invasion of mussels, which entered the Great Lakes through ship ballast water from Russia, would cost the northwest states an estimated $500 million per year. If you see a boat or trailer with aquatic organisms attached to it, call TIP-MONT (406) 847-6668 immediately. Search the Mussel Response section of the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks website for more details.

By Rep. Mike Cuffe, Montana HD 2,