Saturday, December 28, 2024

Troy food pantry expanding access to seniors

by Elka Wood Western News
| June 19, 2017 7:13 PM

On July 1, the Troy food pantry will expand its services to clients over the age of 60 from one visit per month to two.

“Nationally there is a growing conversation about senior hunger, as 10.2 million seniors in the U.S. face food insecurity,” said pantry director Laura Finley. “Locally, 22 percent of the clients served at the Troy Food Pantry are over 60. By increasing access to our pantry we hope to increase our client’s food security and nutrition.”

The pantry is also partnering with the Montana Food Bank Network to host SNAP benefit sign up drives and assist seniors and families with the SNAP application process.

For more information visit the food pantry on Mondays between 10 a.m. and noon for more information.