Saturday, March 15, 2025

Will the wall be built or not?

| June 9, 2017 4:00 AM

I read the article where Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke was quoted as saying there was logistic problems with building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Have to wonder what they are. Didn’t the Chinese build their wall? And didn’t the Egyptians build the great pyramids? And both cultures did it with far less technology than what we have today.

We put men on the moon and built bridges that defy imagination, and he thinks a border wall might be a problem? Oh, he did mention the Mexican wolves and the jaguar cross back and forth and I assume he thinks they need access, but that’s not a problem — just ask any Arizona rancher about the wolves the government has imported to feed on their livestock. Big brother can always find a way.

I really wonder what he is trying to set up? Not going to build that big beautiful wall after all?

—Glen Hook
