Saturday, March 15, 2025

No headline

| July 25, 2017 4:00 AM

How much disrespect do we expect our President to endure before he responds to the pseudo news agencies and their employees?

Many of the news agencies(?) have been using tactics that are clearly of a bullying nature in their comments on the president, his intelligence, his mental state, and the size of his various body parts. Is it un-presidential to finely call out those people for the disrespect they are showing to the office of the president, and to the current president?

Our president has responded, maybe not in the way we think a president should respond, but at least he has shown that he is not afraid to call these people out for their constant negative attacks. This president has redefined what it means to be a president, and in the process, is redefining what it means to be “presidential.”

We might not be comfortable with his approach, but are we comfortable with the bulling tactics of the news agencies? As the old saying goes “times they are a-changing.”

I am quite pleased to see a president who is not worried about his approval ratings or what others define as “presidential conduct,” but instead is focused on what is good for the American people.

—Dale B. Heldstab

Columbia Falls