Saturday, December 28, 2024

Henry Kissinger gives CBS a shock

| January 10, 2017 12:05 PM

John Dickerson must have been shocked when interviewing Henry Kissinger for “Face The Nation.” Fully expecting the famous senior statesman to excoriate President-elect Trump for his petulance and lack of experience, one could almost hear the oxygen being sucked out of the studio as Mr. Kissinger proclaimed that a Trump presidency represented an “extraordinary opportunity.” Accusing Obama of “basically (withdrawing) America from international politics,” he declared that Trump will be asking a “lot of unfamiliar questions” of foreign and domestic leaders.

The senior statesman, still sharp as a tack, indicated that Obama’s policy of withdrawing as leader of the free world had created a partial vacuum and that the new president might present something “remarkable and new.” He concluded that Trump has “raised a number of issues that I think are important, very important.”

I didn’t get to hear the panel discussion which followed, as the local programming truncated the show at 30 minutes, but I can imagine the anxiety the above interview caused Dickerson’s usual 100 percent far-left panel by Kissinger merely raising the possibility that a Trump presidency could produce some real change internationally and result in an important presidency.

This has been my feeling since he was nominated. An outsider like President-elect Trump has the possibility to do great things for this country by turning the ship of state both domestically and internationally from its current disastrous course toward the country we conservative baby boomers remember ... one of prosperity for all and family values of old. His appointments to his Cabinet give me hope— solid men and women of accomplishment rather that pedantic academicians with lots of theory and no positive results.

Washington is a town of process rather than outcome. We now have an administration focused on outcome rather than process. I pray that after the liberals exhaust all their whining (Comey, recounts, Russian hacking, etc.) they will abandon their failed ideology that has crippled education, our inner cities, our own natural-resource development, trade-school expansion and fostered crony capitalism for the possibility of American exceptionalism once again.

I pray that they can accept the vital role American leadership and military might serves to foster peace through strength and international stability. Surely by Jan. 20 they will have had long enough to try and discredit President-elect Trump and maybe ... just maybe ... they can look beyond their own pettiness and do what is right for America and We the People. One can only hope.

P. David Myerowitz, Columbia Falls