Sunday, March 16, 2025

Trojans lose twice, will advance to divisionals

by Bethany Rolfson Western News
| February 22, 2017 2:23 PM

Although the Lady Trojans defeated the Bigfork Valkyries on Saturday, the Trojans lost to the number one team in the district 21-68.

The Vikings didn’t let Troy out of the single digits through the whole match, while racking up points 20, 18, 21 and 9 through the game.

“We have had a hard season as far as wins and losses, people have talked about never giving up and these players lived it,” head coach Jerry Mee said. “The guys could have packed it in but showed character and played a great game against a good Eureka team.

Dillon Savage led the team with 13 points, Tucker Winn tallied three, Jordan Day and Tyler Gromley each scored two and Mason Chapel added one.

AGAINST LIBBY, the team suffered another Loss, with 27-50 left on the scoreboard at the end.

The team picked up momentum, but were too far behind towards the end to have an impact on the score.

“Libby is a tough match up for us due to their height and they play really well on the defensive end,” Mee said. “We just could not generate enough offense to keep up with Libby.”

Savage led the team again with 12 points. Day followed close behind with five, Chapel and Zach Cotten added three each and Brylee Freund and Dylan Cummings scored two each.

Looking towards divisionals, Mee said they’ve won the right to play and will give it their best shot.