Saturday, March 15, 2025

Reports from around the globe

| February 17, 2017 12:16 PM

Having read on a blog about the arrest of a 62-year-old breeder and trainer of dogs for handicapped people and children in Libby, I repeated the blog and got responses from people in about seven different countries who had read the news. Cathie, a 35 year veteran breeder/trainer was arrested and jailed for allegedly running a puppy mill. During the raid there was one puppy on premises and it was not for sale.

The ‘set up’ was perpetuated by an organization calling itself Humane Society of U.S. They go into small towns and present a poster of animals being mistreated inferring the photos are from the local town when they are actually from other locations. The local officials buy into the scam resulting in publicity for HSUS to perpetuate their scam. Attorney Generals from several states having investigated HSUS found only one percent of their millions in revenue goes to helping protect animals. One AG was quoted, “They have enough revenue for a shelter in every state, they have none.”

Sources out of Libby state she spent 30 days in jail and officials refuse to tell her where her dogs are being held and what the conditions are. In hearings the most incriminating testimony by the local Animal Control officers was, “She seemed to take a long time to match health records with the dogs.” In fact, it took five minutes. There is no law in Montana against puppy mills nor any legal description.Those who should be prosecuted are HSUS. This lady is 62.

Sam Hay

Covington, Georgia