Saturday, March 15, 2025

Reasons not to elect Gianforte

| February 10, 2017 11:46 AM

As many of you already know we have an upcoming special election to choose Rep. Ryan Zinke’s successor. This will be the first U.S. Congressional race in the Trump era and Montana voters have a unique opportunity to have their voices heard nationally.

Greg Gianforte and President Trump align on many of the same issues and both are out of touch with Montanans in a variety of ways. They even share the same billionaire hobby, buying elections. Knowing these things, I think it is safe to call the upcoming election a “Trump Referendum.”

Montanans love the outdoors and we take pride in our clean water and air. Mr. Gianforte once said he’d like to have “someone from industry” in charge of the Montana DEQ and that he’d like to “wrangle up” and “put out to pasture” the federal Clean Water Rule and Clean Power Plan. Mr. Trump wants to eliminate the EPA. How will our clean air and water be protected with no regulation?

Both support the idea of “school choice” which in turn would defund Montana public schools. Funding cuts would hit rural Montana public schools the hardest, especially in the areas with just one school. Have either of them ever sent a child to public schools? On Social Security, Mr. Gianforte says “Noah in the Bible worked till he was 600” and Mr. Trump stated in the past that it’s a “ponzi” scheme and both want our Social Security “privatized.” Unlike a lot of Montanans, these two will never have to rely on a Social Security check to pay rent or buy groceries. Lastly, they both rely on alternate facts to try and make “sound” governmental decisions. Seems to me that Mr. Gianforte and Mr. Trump are “two peas in a pod”. Don’t you think?

Andy Boyd
