Saturday, March 15, 2025

28th Youth Runnerfell is Sept. 8 in Libby

by The Western News
| August 22, 2017 4:00 AM

The 28th Youth Runnerfell for boys and girls ages 3 to 16 will be held 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 8 at the Libby Elementary School track. A short reward ceremony for this year’s T-shirt contest winner will be held at 3:45 p.m.

The race is free to all pre-registered runners, who must register by Sept. 6. Late registration will not be allowed.

Participants wanting a T-shirt as a remembrance of the event may purchase one when entering for $5.

Runners that attend Libby Public Schools will not need to provide proof of insurance because they will be covered under school district insurance. However, runners that do not attend Libby Public Schools will need to provide proof of insurance. A copy of an insurance card, policy, payroll withdrawal or other appropriate verification will be accepted as proof.

Entry forms are available at Libby Elementary School, Libby Middle High School, Kootenai Valley Christian School and various businesses around town including Empire Foods, Macs Market, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Rosauers, Shoes and Socks, Kootenai Valley Record, The Montanian and The Western News.

Participants may also enter online at

Runners that finish the race will receive a ribbon, various coupons and their T-shirt if they ordered one. After the race each runner may have a hot dog, chips and drink as part of their reward for finishing.