Saturday, March 15, 2025

Women's leadership workshop has good turnout

by Elka Wood Western News
| April 21, 2017 1:45 PM


Cindy Carpenter presents at a women’s workshop.


Cindy Carpenter, of human resources at Three Rivers Bank in Kalispell, gave an animated presentation at Wednesday’s women’s workshop at Cabinet Peaks brewery. [Elka Wood/TWN]

“It’s a fantastic opportunity to come to Libby, considering that the Montana Women’s Foundation serves the entire state,” says attendee Sindy Filler of the women’s leadership workshop held at Cabinet Peaks Brewery on Wednesday, April 19.

The event was sponsored by Montana Woman magazine and its associated foundation, whose mission is to “provide assistance for the success of Montana women of all ages and to encourage these women to give back to their communities by helping fellow Montana women in need, no matter their social, economic or cultural differences.”

The brewery was packed with 25 participants from business owners to teachers, plus four speakers. One of the organizers, Cindy O’Boyle, said they intend to come back to Lincoln County after seeing such a good turn out.

All of the presenter’s focus in some way on human relations, personal awareness and growth and communication. Sarah Oursland had the group identify their core values, then form small groups and identify shared group values “it can be tricky” she laughs “it’s about getting back to basics.”

Human Resource’s trainer Cindy Carpenter of Three Rivers Bank said during her presentation “we are all leaders in every part of our lives, whether we want to be or not because others are always watching us.” Carpenter advises that we might as well embrace the leader in ourselves because “passion brings out the best in us.”

Psychologist Ann Swain of Kalispell agrees, adding “you never know who’s watching you, and learning from you, good or bad.”

The final presentation of the day comes from author Diana Damron who wants to urge everyone to “unleash civility.” Civility, she says is “the consistent implementation of respect, as demonstrated through courtesy and politeness, whether or not you like the person and whether or not you agree with them.”

Civility does not mean no conflict, Damron emphasizes: “I love conflict. I want people to shred the subject matter, not shred each other.”

Participant Tamera Crismore of Libby said, “It’s nice to meet some other women that I didn’t know from town.” Another participant from Libby chimes in “and to not have to travel for something like this.”

Sindy Filler added that it seemed there was very little advertising for the event “I wish there had been more, and that the papers and the chamber of commerce had got behind it more. It’s such a good opportunity and maybe more people will come next time.”