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Scotchman Peaks coordinator receives Brass Lantern Award

| September 27, 2016 12:55 PM

At the recent Montana Wilderness Association (MWA) annual gathering, Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness program coordinator Sandy Compton was honored for his work to preserve Wilderness, with a “Brass Lantern Award” both on the job and as a volunteer. 

MWA honors seven individuals annually with the coveted brass lantern that, according to MWA, “is given to members and non-members alike, for leadership and taking action that promotes wilderness, quiet trails and responsible management by managing agencies.”

In presenting the award, former MWA President and current FSPW Board Chair, Doug Ferrell, described Sandy’s contributions to wilderness.

“Sandy’s family settled in Sanders County in the early 1900s, and he still lives on the land that his great-grandparents settled,” Ferrell said. “The land is located at the base of the Scotchman Peaks and several of the peaks are [named] after his family. Sandy has been a tireless wilderness advocate for the protection and stewardship of family wildlands. He is a powerful storyteller and has worked for the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness since it was founded over 10 years ago... I cannot think of a more deserving Brass Lantern recipient.”

Compton was unable to attend the MWA gathering to accept the award, as he was busy that weekend teaching school kids how to build trails, stockpiling water at an alpine cache site for a whitebark pine restoration project and helping to put on the FSPW Thompson Falls picnic.

Ferrell brought the award back and presented it to Compton at the picnic in Thompson Falls on Sunday, Sept. 11.

Compton is the second FSPW staff member to receive the award. Two FSPW board members have also been recipients.