Saturday, March 15, 2025

VFW offers scholarships to local students

by Rose Arnold
| May 24, 2016 8:26 AM

Letter to the Editor:


Did you know your local VFW offers scholarships to students in grades six through 12?

Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students are encouraged to participate in Patriot’s Pen, an essay competition. In 300-400 words, express your thoughts on “The America I Believe in” and your student could win up to $5,000.00 at the national level and up to $250.00 locally for participating in this program. Libby Elementary School should be sending these applications home with your fifth and sixth graders as they will be eligible by the Nov. 1, 2016, deadline. Kootenai Valley Christian School has also received and distributed applications to their eligible students.

High school students are eligible to participate in the Voice of Democracy audio essay competition. They have three to five minutes to express “My Responsibility to America” and can also win $250.00 from our local VFW Post. Your student can advance to the National Level and receive up to $30,000.00 in scholarship money.

The Libby Middle/High School has received applications for Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy, if your student is in fifth through 11th grade this year, please have them pick up an application to work on over the summer. They’ll be in the eligible grade by the deadline. 

Please encourage your children to participate in these programs. Our post wants to support our community. The children are our future; we should all do our best to promote their education and this is one way your local VFW can do that. Get an application and encourage your child to make this a summer goal. Applicants may also be home schooled and can pick up applications at the VFW. Applications can be dropped off early at VFW Post #1548, 114 W. 2nd Street, Libby, MT 59923.


Rose Arnold,
