Saturday, March 15, 2025

Troy students awarded scholarships

by Submitted Kelly Palmer to Western News
| May 24, 2016 8:28 AM



The administration, faculty, staff and students of Troy High School gratefully acknowledge the support of all who provide scholarship dollars to the college-bound graduates of our school.  We wish to formally recognize those who donate their time, effort, energy and money to help further the education of our graduates.  Please accept our heart-felt thanks.

We wish to congratulate the following seniors and acknowledge the scholarships they have earned.  

Scholarships designated with an asterisk (*) are renewable annually.


Ethan Benson

Libby Elks Lodge Dave Roberts Memorial Scholarship $500


Kasey Faur

Troy High School Drama Scholarship $150

Three Rivers Ranger District Forest Service Scholarship $300

Charles Johnson Memorial Troy Youth Scholarship $750

Troy High School Foreign Language and Culture Club Scholarship $500

University of Montana Freshman Scholarship $1,500

Governor’s “Best and Brightest” Scholarship $2,000*

Flathead Valley Community College Northwest Area Fee Waiver $2,872


Patricia Naomi Holcomb-Garrison

Flathead Valley Community College Northwest Area Fee Waiver $2,872


Anada Jones

Troy High School Drama Scholarship $150

Three Rivers Ranger District Forest Service Scholarship $300

Holy Trinity Church “Diligence Award” $1,000

Jim Johnston Memorial/All School Alumni Scholarship $1,000


Cheyenne Jordan

Jim Johnston Memorial/All School Alumni Scholarship $1,000

Charles Johnson Memorial Troy Youth Scholarship $750

William Swanson Memorial/Troy United Methodist Church Scholarship $1,000

Kathy Berke Memorial/Troy Volunteer Ambulance Scholarship $500

Flathead Valley Community College Northwest Area Fee Waiver $2,872


Erin Landis

Three Rivers Ranger District Forest Service Scholarship $300

Gregory “Peach” Kambell Memorial Scholarship $250

Lincoln Country Credit Union Financial Literacy Awards $500

Lincoln County Board of Realtors Scholarship $250

Jim Johnston Memorial/All School Alumni Scholarship $1,000

James Benedict Memorial Scholarship $500 

Rotary Club of the Kootenai Valley Scholarship $500

Alice Ritzman Memorial Scholarship $1,000

Troy High School Art Club Scholarship $500

Troy Parent Teacher Association Scholarship $1,000

Troy Snowmobile Club Scholarship $500

University of Montana Achievement Scholarship $1,000

Montana Wilderness Association Scholarship $100


Zoe Lowry

Libby/Troy Bowling Congress Scholarship $500


Sean Opland

Montana State University-Bozeman Football Scholarship $8,000*


Makayla Osterberg

Libby Elks Lodge Dave Roberts Memorial Scholarship $500

Ron Osborne Memorial Scholarship $500

Troy Masonic Lodge #126 Scholarship $350


Tana Thill

Libby Elks Lodge Dave Roberts Memorial Scholarship $500

THS Student Council Scholarship $200


Alexis Tunison

Christy Williams Dirkes Memorial Scholarship $250

James Benedict Memorial Scholarship $500

University of Montana-Western  Ersel Webb Sharples Scholarship $1,000