Sunday, March 16, 2025

New youth center to open in Libby

by Bob Henline Western News
| March 29, 2016 8:54 AM


The young people of south Lincoln County will soon have a new place to learn, play and just hang out. Thanks to local contractor and handyman Hank Maxim, a new youth center will be opening in Libby in mid-April.

“To be honest, because God wants me to,” Maxim said. “I work with the youth groups at Libby Christian Church and this just seems like the right thing for me to do.”

Maxim said the whole idea was somewhat spur of the moment. He discovered the old masonic lodge on the corner of Utah Avenue and Balsam Street was for sale. He made an offer to purchase the property, which was accepted despite being lower than the asking price because he wanted to use it for a youth center. From there, he said, the pieces have been falling together.

Maxim purchased some aracade games and pool tables for the center and plans on adding pinball machines and foosball and ping-pong tables. He has also acquired hundreds of ceramic molds and plans to add pottery supplies and equipment.

“I guess it’s just something that kind of happened,” he said.

The center will be managed by a board of directors, currently comprised of Maxim, Dr. Laura Tindall, Irene Loveless and Dejon Raines. In addition, Tindall said they hope to expand the board to include students from both Libby High School and the Central School to help guide the center and its offerings.

Tindall said there will be no drugs, smoking or alcohol allowed at the center and they’d like to implement a “swear jar.” Anyone who swears will be required to contribute a yet-to-be-determined amount to the jar. Proceeds from the jar will be used to fund projects or activities as directed by the center’s patrons.

“The goal is to provide a fun place to go, for local kids to be all that they can be,” Tindall said.

The official opening date has yet to be set, but Maxim said he is aiming for mid-April.