Saturday, March 15, 2025

City's water bullying must stop

by Larry Stroklund
| March 29, 2016 8:48 AM

Letter to the Editor:


I walked into a hardware store in Libby the other day. I didn’t find anything I wanted so I went to leave the store. A clerk stopped me at the door and handed me a sheet of paper, it was a bill for not purchasing anything.

I looked at him in disbelief and bewilderment and asked, “What is this?” He said since I had not purchased anything, the bill, for $75, was to help them pay down their debt load. I was shocked and spellbound. Then the clerk told me it was all buffoonery, nowhere in the United States of America could this happen.

But it can. When I got home, waiting for me in the mail was a water bill from the City of Libby for the month of February 2016. Sure as shooting, I was billed $75 for zero usage. The bill was on a vacant house in the city limits, waiting to be sold.

I took this water bill and marched right down to City Hall. I asked, “Don’t you think this is a little ridiculous and unreasonable?”

Their response was, “Too bad. You have to pay the $75 for zero usage, to help pay the city’s debt on their water and sewer improvements.

I asked if I could just have the city shut off the water to this residence. “No sir, not in this city,” I was told. “Besides, you would still have to pay the base charge of $45.25 for water and $30.63 for sewer every month.”

If I do not want a water bill, I would have to hire a licensed plumber and contractor to dig up our yard and water line on our property’s side of the city’s water shutoff, then have it capped off and inspected by the city, before it can be covered up. Can you imagine what that would cost?

Sometime, in the future, when the new owner wants to reconnect to the city’s water system, it will all have to be dug up and reconnected. This is all just a bullying tactic to keep you connected to the city’s water system. The city could very easiy just shut off the water at their shutoff, for $50.

I discussed this with both city utility billing clerks, the city clerk, the city manager and the mayor. Same answer. I have now filed a complaint with the Public Service Commission in Helena. I will see what happens.

I can afford to pay this water bill and I understand the city’s dilemma, however, I lived in this house for 25 years. All this time, paying their outrageous water and sewer rates. I think I have probably paid my fair share of their debt load. I just want out. It is the principle of it all, paying $75 for nothing. This all seems extraordinarily unfair, unreasonable and very dictatorial.

I am telling my story in an effort to help the people of Libby fight City Hall. We have put up with their unjust and unrighteous water billing and bullying tactics for long enough. I think that it is time we stop the exercising of their power in such an abusive and oppressive manner. I think that it is time to start a letter writing campaign and if necessary a class action suit.

I am looking for people interested in helping to resolve this situation, we need to band together.


Larry Stroklund,
