Saturday, March 15, 2025

In Brief

| March 22, 2016 8:01 AM

Clinic remodel underway

The Cabinet Peaks Medical Cebter Walk-In Clinic officially moved to its new, temporary location and merged with Cabinet Peaks Family Medicine in the old hospital at 350 Louisiana Avenue on Monday, March 14.

Visitors may notice some changes to a different part of the building which will soon be the permanent home of the clinic.  Construction began in early March to remodel the old Prompt Care and Emergency areas into clinic space to accommodate the already growing practice.  Two new physicians will soon be joining providers Tony Fantozzi and Scott Lacefield at Cabinet Peaks Family Medicine.  Daniel Woydick, MD and Sara Huddleston, MD are both scheduled to arrive in Libby in early May, and plan to begin accepting patients sometime later that month.

“We are thrilled to have hired two highly qualified and experienced physicians to join the practice,” stated Bruce Whitfield, CEO of Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.  “Lincoln County’s physician shortage has only gotten worse in the past 18 months, and we are excited to be able to inform our communities that there is an end in sight.  Both Dr. Woydick and Dr. Huddleston are welcome additions to our community, and to our family medicine clinic!”


Free smoke alarm installation April 2

On Saturday, April 2, volunteers from the American Red Cross and Libby Volunteer Fire Department will team up to install free smoke alarms in homes that need them. This event is part of an ongoing nationwide Red Cross campaign to reduce deaths and injuries from home fires by as much as 25 percent in five years.  

“Many people underestimate how often home fires occur and how devastating they can be,” says Ted Koenig, Disaster Program Manager for American Red Cross in Western Montana. “In the United States, seven people die and 36 people suffer injuries as a result of home fires every day. This campaign aims to lower those numbers by providing free smoke alarms, by helping families devise fire escape plans and by asking them to practice getting out of the house in less than two minutes.”

Libby residents who would like to schedule a free smoke alarm installation may contact the Red Cross at 1-800-272-6668 or the Libby Volunteer Fire Department at 406-293-9217.


Libby Fine Arts Inc. meeting March 24

The Libby Fine Arts Inc. meeting will be held at the Treasure Manor meeting room at 610 Treasure Avenue on Thursday, March 24 from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. This is a social meeting where participants will get together and create art so bring your art supplies and come join in the camaraderie. For more information, please call Marilyn Irwin at 293-7091 or Joey Barnes at 293-5211.


Arbor Day Foundation offers free trees

National Arbor Day is Friday, April 29, this year, and the Arbor Day Foundation is making it easy for anyone to celebrate the annual tree-planting holiday. Join the Foundation in April and receive 10 free shade trees.

By joining the Foundation in April, new members receive the following trees: red oak, sugar maple, weeping willow, baldcypress, thornless honeylocust, pin oak, river birch, tuliptree, silver maple, and red maple.

The free trees are part of the Foundation’s Trees for America campaign.

“These trees provide shade in the summer and vibrant colors throughout the fall,” said Matt Harris, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Through the simple act of planting trees, one person can make a difference in helping to create a healthier and more beautiful planet for all of us to enjoy.”


Gas prices rise slightly

Average retail gasoline prices in Montana have risen six cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $1.90 per gallon yesterday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 615 gas outlets in Montana. This compares with the national average that has increased 4.9 cents per gallon in the last week to $1.98 per gallon, according to gasoline price website 

Including the change in gas prices in Montana during the past week, prices yesterday were 34.2 cents per gallon lower than the same day one year ago and are 19.3 cents per gallon higher than a month ago. The national average has increased 27.4 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 44.0 cents per gallon lower than this day one year ago.


Libby Dam flow update

Due to a transmission line outage, the outflow will be restricted to 15 KCFS. Full capacity is expected to be restored by Friday, March 25. 

The March Water Supply forecast for WY 2016 was released on March 4. The forecast of 6,472 KAF is 110 percent of average (based on 1981-2010).


EPA public meetings March 22

Representatives of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality will be conducting a public input session Tuesday, March 22, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. in the conference room of the Libby schools administration building.

Participants will have the opportunity to provide input to agency officials regarding updates to the community involvement plan.