Sunday, March 16, 2025

Montanans know best how to manage our public lands

by Mark Agather
| March 8, 2016 7:33 AM

Letter to the Editor:


The onslaught of the far left propaganda machine relative to the transfer of federal lands to state control has started in earnest. I am specifically referring to the far left editorial by Sybert in last Sunday’s Daily Inter Lake. In it, the author tries vainly to promote the idea that state-controlled lands are private lands whereas federally controlled lands are public. That’s ridiculous. State-controlled lands are as (or more so) public than land controlled by the feds.  

But these far left environmentalists are terrified of discussing the real issue: Who is better at controlling the vast lands of Montana, the citizens of our state or the federal government whose control is supported by rich elitists who bankroll these hired guns.

The facts are straightforward — the state, supported by our own very competent and professional employees and environmental laws crafted specifically for our unique eco-structure, manages land far more efficiently for all concerned then the federal bureaucrats. Our state actually makes money while at the same time benefitting our citizens as well as providing access (not taking it away) for those who want to enjoy our natural scenic beauty.  By managing our forests in a healthy fashion, our state provides more suitable environment for all of our wildlife as well as minimizing the potential for forest fires while providing for jobs, hunting, fishing and recreation for all. 

 For the last 40 years, we citizens have been subjugated to those from outside our state who do not want us to have a decision in how our public lands are used and managed. During that time this group of people has destroyed much of our economic base while leaving our forest lands devastated by overgrowth, disease and rot making them ripe for uncontrollable wildfires which, in turn, makes our air so unhealthy for so much time each year. Remember last year?  You could hardly see for over a block and breathing was almost impossible.

Now this group is trying to promote compromise. That’s absurd. Take the Cabinet Mountains for example – another 180,000 acres of wilderness land and protection of much more (which is the same as wilderness). For all of that their compromise is:  “some nice recommendations regarding sustainable logging.” That’s a compromise? We should have sicced this group on the Iranians. Lincoln County needs more wilderness about as much as our country needs another four years of Obama.  

Only the weak of mind will fall for this argument that state-controlled lands are private.  The real and only issue is who can control our lands better:  the citizens of the State of Montana or the federal government. We, the citizens of Montana, are here; we know how to take care of our own lands for the benefit of all; we know the problems and the solutions. It’s time for us to take back the lands usurped by the feds so long ago. But let us make certain to reject the word-smithing of the far left and discuss the real issue – not the fabricated tripe contained in letters like we saw this past Sunday. 


Mark Agather,
