Saturday, March 15, 2025

A challenge to D.C. Orr

by Tony Berget
| March 1, 2016 7:34 AM

Letter to the Editor:


I have watched for many years as D.C. Orr bullies and personally attacks community leaders and others. Anyone who disagrees with him he attacks, whether it’s filing a restraining order against a grandmother or making false claims against individuals, in an attempt to sway voters and public opinion with his fabrications and exaggerations. Maybe in his mind he thinks that turning into an Internet troll trying to personally destroy people is economic development.

I have never seen him do anything productive to improve our community or better Libby for our kids’ future, like the people he attacks do. That needs to change. One of his current rants is against the mayor and current and past city council members due to a complaint filed, based on one of his rants. Maybe he is up to a public wager on this issue.

I would like to challenge Mr. Orr to accept a bet on the outcome of this dispute and at the same time make sure Mr. Orr’s a part of some real public service for a change.

So I offer the following: If the Commissioner of Political Practices drops this complaint or the people are successful in their case against Mr. Motl, Mr. Orr agrees to pick up all the litter from Highway 37 to the landfill. If Mr. Motl decides to prosecute and is successful, I will volunteer to clean that area

Step up to the challenge, D.C. No matter who wins this bet, the community will be better for it. 


Tony Berget,
