Saturday, December 28, 2024

Immigration is a problem

by William Weidemoyer
| January 26, 2016 7:03 AM

Letter to the Editor:


In response to “Conservatives have a strange understanding of small government” by Gary Chartier.

Mr. Chartier you state that immigrants help grow the domestic and world economy because they are more productive. Are you aware that millions of immigrants who don’t even belong here are not only not working, but are getting free welfare, housing, medical treatment and education costing taxpayers billions per year?

How does that grow the economy? How does that grow your economic pie in ways that are good for many people other than themselves?

You say we should have openness to freer immigration policies.

Mr. Chartier, do you have even a clue as to what’s happening in Europe with the influx of immigrants? Open your eyes and get a grip on reality.


William Weidemoyer,
