Friday, April 26, 2024

Fitness success could be just a missing link away

by Liz Whalen
| January 15, 2016 7:40 AM

Believe it or not, I am a real person too. I have ups and downs with my fitness routine and eating behaviors. When life gets a little crazy, I admit I will miss a workout for the day or maybe only complete a small portion of what I had planned. I rarely skip meals entirely, but I do live a little when it comes to chocolate. I am not perfect. Nobody is and if they say how great and perfect they are I am sure they are telling a lie. 

I am pretty smart and knowledgeable about food and fitness. I know exactly what I should be doing to have a healthy body. But at times, I don’t always feel the way I want to. I feel this way and you might too. It is OK. There is nothing wrong with us. We need something else. I know what exercise, food and program I should be following to feel better but you are just not doing it. That ‘missing link’ is what is going to make you successful.

The one thing you might be missing is (drum roll, please): Accountability. Being accountable to someone or something for your workouts and nutrition is huge. It is amazing how just having to report to another person about what you are doing or not doing can make the biggest difference.

You are not always going to feel motivated to go for a walk or make a healthier food choice, but when you have someone checking up on you, it sure does make you get your butt in gear. Even if we do not feel motivated in the moment. And you will be more likely to continue making healthier decisions when the going gets tough.  

Simply put: If you can’t be consistent, you can’t make progress. And this is why accountability is what you might be missing the most and the one thing that can get you moving in a better direction. Here is the big question. How do you get accountability?

Get help from at least one other person. That is the golden ticket. Find someone that is truly going to hold you accountable. I personally do this and find it absolutely necessary for making progress. Plan an appointment or meet-up spot with them once, twice or three times a week to get active or go over your food journal.  

There are plenty of people and professionals in the community that care about you and want you to have success. Reach out to them/us. We are not scary. Nope just an average Joe like you trying to make our own progress happen. You might know what to do or not, but we are available to guide you and provide you with the missing link for success.


Liz Whalen is a personal trainer and health fitness specialist who lives and works in Libby. She also blogs at