Saturday, March 15, 2025

Libby man charged in theft from church

by Bob Henline Western News
| February 5, 2016 7:23 AM


A Libby man is facing up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,500 after being cited for stealing donated items from the porch of a local church Jan. 28.

James William Cosgriff, 45, was issued a citation and notice to appear on a misdemeanor theft charge by Deputy John Davis of the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office Jan. 30. Davis apprehended Cosgriff two days earlier, reportedly stealing clothes and other items from the porch of Libby Christian Church. 

According to the affidavit of probable cause filed by Davis, the deputy was traveling south on Kootenai River Road at approximately 5 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 28, in his personal vehicle. He reported spotting a vehicle parked in an unusual location and decided to investigate.

“On Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016, at approximately 5 a.m., I was driving south on Kootenai River Road in Libby,” he wrote. “I was in my personal vehicle and not on duty. As I approached the Libby Christian Church near the intersection of Highway 37 I saw a vehicle parked between the church and Dream Marine. This was very strange due to the early morning hour. There have been multiple gas thefts from Dream Marine in the recent past.”

Davis reported seeing the truck parked near an out-building of the Libby Christian Church, which houses the chuch’s Mission Shop. The shop provides used clothing to needy individuals and families in the community free of charge.

While investigating the parked vehicle, Davis reported seeing a man carrying bags from the covered porch and putting them in his truck. The man then got into his truck and drove away at a high rate of speed, Davis reported.

“I followed Cosgriff in an attempt to see the license plate of the vehicle and identify it,” Davis wrote. “Cosgriff was traveling well over 80 miles per hour as I attempted to catch up to it. The truck turned onto Bobtail Road and continued at a very high rate of speed. It was obvious to me that Cosgriff was trying to get away from the situation.”

Cosgriff eventually pulled over in a large pull-out near the five mile marker on Bobtail Road. Davis said he repeatedly apologized for taking the items.

“Cosgriff exited the vehicle with his hands up and stated, ‘I’m sorry, that was stupid,’” Davis wrote. “I exited my vehicle and identified myself as an off-duty deputy with the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office. Cosgriff continued to apologize repeatedly for taking the items. Cosgriff stated that his girlfriend likes clothes and that is why he took the items. Cosgriff stated that he knew better and should not have taken the items.”

Cosgriff, at Davis’ request, removed two paper grocery sacks and one large plastic garbage sack full of clothing, along with one large plastic garbage sack full of stuffed animals and dolls, from his truck and placed them in Davis’ vehicle, according to the report.

Davis met with the church’s associate pastor, Dean Byrns, the next day and returned the items to him. At that time, according to the report, Byrns signed an application of complaint for the theft. Davis issued a citation and notice to appear to Cosgriff on Jan. 30.

Lincoln County Sheriff Roby Bowe praised Davis’ actions on the case.

“The deputies, even when they’re off duty, are always vigilant and working to protect the community from harm,” he said.

 If convicted, Cosgriff could be sentenced to up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,500.