Sunday, March 16, 2025

May library events announced


The Lincoln County Public Libraries will be presenting a full calendar of programs during the month of May.  All events are free and open to the public.

The Libby library will host story time for preschool age children every Tuesday at 10 a.m. This month’s preschool story time theme: Children’s Classics. We’ll be reading some of the most beloved children’s books of all time.

The Troy library will host story time for preschool age children every Friday at 11:15 a.m.

The Eureka library will host story time for preschool age children every Thursday at 11:30 a.m.

The Troy library will host chess games every Saturday from 11:30-2 p.m. All ages and experience levels welcome.  Bring yourself, a partner, and your favorite board.  We also have boards available as well as a player/teacher/mentor and challenger.  For more information please call Kimberly at (406) 295-4040.

May 3, 10 a.m.: Preschool Story Time: A classic story of cause and effect; please join us at the Libby library for If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. It is a wonderful tale of a boy who tries to meet the demands of a very needy mouse.

May 6, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.: Book Sale - The Libby Friends of the Library are having a book sale. The entrance is on Main Street across from the post office.  Stop by and check out the books, movies, and music cds. It’s a great way to support your library.

May 7: The libraries will be closed for In-Service training.

May 10, 10 a.m.: Preschool Story Time: A Caldecott awarded book; please join us at the Libby library for “Make Way for Ducklings.” The story follows the Mallards, a family of ducks trying to get to their new home at the Boston Public Gardens.

May 12, 5 p.m.: Join us for our Poetry Extravaganza at the Hot Club Coffee House in Troy where we will announce the winners of the 10th annual Lincoln County Poetry Contest. Enjoy an evening with poet and performance artist, Dave Caserio, including a reading and question and answer session. Winning poems will be read and prizes awarded. There will be an open microphone so bring your poems, guitar, drums, flute, singing voice, etc. This is a free family event. All ages are welcome. 

May 17, 10 a.m.: Preschool Story Time: join us at the Libby library for the beautifully illustrated “A Very Hungry Caterpillar.” This story features a caterpillar that eats its way through a variety of foods before eventually emerging as a butterfly.

May 21, 11 a.m.: Book Discussion - Join us at the Libby Library for “A Hot Drink and A Good Book,” our monthly book discussion.  This month features “The Weird Sisters” by Eleanor Brown.  Three sisters - Rosalind, Bianca and Cordelia return home to their rural Ohio college town and each must look to their familial past in order to face the future.  Copies are available for checkout at the library.

May 21, 1 p.m.: Writing Group; meet other aspiring local writers at the Libby library. Writers of all genres and experience levels are welcome to write, share and learn.  Fuel your creativity with writing prompts and brief writing exercises with opportunities to share and discuss as a group.

May 24, 10 a.m.: Preschool Story Time: Over 60 years in print. Join us at the Libby library for “Harry the Dirty Dog.” He loves everything, except baths. So one day before bath time, Harry runs away.  By the time he returns home, Harry is so dirty his family doesn’t even recognize him.

May 24, 4pm: Author Visit and Book Signing: join us at the Libby library as we welcome Montana author and historian Russell Rowland as he presents his latest book “Fifty-Six Counties: A Montana Journey.” Books will be available for purchase and a signing will follow the event.

May 27: Amnesty Day - The last Friday of every month is Amnesty Day at the Lincoln County Libraries. Any materials less than 90 days overdue which are returned in good condition to any of the three libraries on that day will have all penalties waived.  Overdue interlibrary loan materials are not included.

May 28: The libraries will be closed in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.

May 31, 10 a.m.: Preschool Story Time: A classic of modern children’s literature; join us at the Libby library for “Goodnight Moon.” It is the perfect book for the end of the end of the day. In a great green room is a little bunny and to all the familiar things in the softly lit room, he says good night.