Saturday, March 15, 2025

Agency reopens mine comments

by Bob Henline Western News
| April 12, 2016 8:02 AM

In response to “substantial comments” received during the most recent public comment period on the water discharge permit for the proposed Montanore Mine in Lincoln County, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality has made changes to the proposed permit and reopened the public comment period.

“We received substantial comments on the draft permit during the public comment period in October 2015,” said Montana DEQ Deputy Director George Mathieus in an April 11 press release. “In response to comments DEQ is making changes to the draft Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit and reopening the comment period.”

The draft permit is for the discharge of treated water from the adit at three existing points and discharges at four new outfalls restricted to storm water only. The permit updates the effluent limits at the three existing adit discharge outfalls and establishes the limits for storm water discharges.

The draft permit also requires the company to develop and maintain a Storm Water Pollution Plan, including the design and implementation of best management practices to provide additional control and/or elimination of storm water discharges. It also requires monitoring and reporting of effluent discharges and storm water discharges, as well as ambient upstream conditions in Libby Creek.

The full draft permit, fact sheet and the DEQ’s preliminary determination can be viewed on the department’s website at Comments should be submitted before May 18, 2016, to DEQ Water Protection Bureau, PO Box 200901, Helena, MT  59620.