Saturday, March 15, 2025

U.S. troops should have ended ISIS

by Garman Guthrie
| September 29, 2015 3:22 PM

Letter to the Editor:


I hope President Obama saw the picture on television of the innocent child lying drowned on a beach while his family and thousands are fleeing their homes to keep from being killed by ISIS, all a direct result of Obama removing our troops from Iraq and making a half-hearted effort to fight ISIS. Our military could have wiped them off the planet in very short order and eliminated this and a lot of other problems.

The deal with Iran that he is so proud of won’t even slow them down from building an atom bomb. Iran, the country that boasts about removing Israel from the face of the earth, shouts “Death to America,” and still holds four of our prisoners. That deal is really something to be proud of, right?


– Garman Guthrie,
