Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Fire season proves need for responsible forest management

by Mark Agather
| September 25, 2015 8:31 AM

Letter to the Editor:


The smoke has diminished and our air has finally cleared as nature has finished its natural course of clear-cutting and selective-cutting our forests. However, the pollution in our air and our water has produced unsafe and unhealthy conditions for citizens of northwest Montana as well as costing us over $42 million. Unfortunately, many from the far left refuse to recognize there are much better ways to manage our forests by emulating nature’s own processes to minimize the adverse effects produced by wildfires in our forest lands.

In years before eco-extremists, we also had dry summers with lightning which started numerous fires. However, we had trained fire crews in the form of loggers and logging companies who helped the Forest Service control and put out the fires quickly before they could become too large to effectively manage. On top of that, logging provided roads and access to more remote areas which facilitated the management process while, at the same time providing access for citizens to enjoy our wonderful natural resources. Instead of letting nature clear-cut and selective-cut our forests in an uncontrolled fashion, logging merely emulated nature’s own ways of cleaning out our forests.

This summer has conclusively shown why we should return to scientific logging methods to control wildfires. Such a course of action would produce many positive results. First of all it would minimize the smoke which is so detrimental to our health. It would also enhance the appeal of northwest Montana in August for the benefit of the tourism industry. It would protect private property and create valuable new habitat for wildlife, while at the same time providing access for citizens to enjoy our wonderful forest lands. Further, it would create jobs and economic benefits for our workers which would, in turn, provide funds for our cities, counties and schools. Finally, it would minimize the cost of wildlife fire management.

It’s obvious our natural forest lands are controlled by far left elitists who endorse the practice of letting it burn no matter what the adverse effects are. They have no concern for the health of us who live here or for jobs which would empower our economy. It’s time to take a different path.  Please contact Representative Ryan and Senator Daines and ask them to continue to push for common sense forest management practices. 


Mark Agather,
