Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lincoln County Sheriff's Office

| September 4, 2015 8:48 AM

August 17

• A son called to report that a man stole money from his mother’s vehicle. The son said he chased the suspect, but couldn’t keep up with the thief.

• A woman called to report that she lost her keys somewhere in the Libby area.

• A woman called to report that she lost a set of keys somewhere on Mineral Avenue during Ignite the Nites.

• A grandma called to report that her 11 year old granddaughter is out of control.

• An individual called to report a suspicious looking man wearing a backpack and carrying a baby.

• A man called to report he hit a deer with his vehicle. The man said the vehicle was still drivable.

• A woman called to report that she was struck by a vehicle while riding her bike. She said she has minor injuries.

• An iPod was dropped off at the police station.

• A man called to report that somebody broke into his daughter’s car last night and stole her purse.

August 18

• An individual called to report two abandoned bicycles at Fireman’s Park.

• An individual came to the police station to report he had been assaulted.

• A man called to report that his neighbor is cutting down trees that may be on his property.

• A man called to report his neighbor has been cussing at him.

• An individual hit a deer near Fisher River bridge.

• A teacher called to report that there is a bat in the school.

• A cashier called to report a shoplifter at Rosauers.

• A man called to report that he is having trouble locating his deceased brother’s vehicle.

• A man called to report a man at the bottom of whiskey hill wearing a white cowboy hat with a gun in one hand and a bottle of liquor in the other hand.

• A man called to report his neighbors are harassing him while he’s trying to work on his car.

• A woman called to report her husband hit a deer near Bull Lake Road. There was no damage to the car, but the deer has two broken hind legs.

• A man called to report a possible domestic assault going on at his neighbor’s house.

• An individual called to report that people are setting off fireworks behind Shopko.

• A man called to report he chased a bear away from his house because the bear was getting into his garbage cans.

August 19

• A woman called to report that there are five donkeys in her yard.

• A man called to report that his neighbors keep going away and they are neglecting their dogs. He said that it’s an ongoing issue.

• A woman called to report that her ex boyfriend tampered with her vehicle.

• A woman called to report that she lost her purse.

• An individual called to report a pontoon floating down the river without anybody in it.

• An individual called to report that there is another bat in the school.

• Troy dispatch received multiple calls about the theft of license plates.

• A woman called to speak to a deputy about a woman that came to her home and started yelling at her and threw a drink in her face. She believes the woman went back to the bar for another drink.

• A man called to report that somebody broke into his vehicle last night.

• A man called to report a hungry bear going through his garbage.

• An individual called to report a horse in the middle of the highway.

August 20

• A man brought in a wallet he found in his driveway.

• A woman came into the police station to talk to a deputy about her ex boyfriend selling her vehicle

• A woman called to talk to an officer about her ex husband violating a restraining order.

• A man called to report that somebody stole his bike.

• A man called to report a large bear getting into his garbage.

• A woman called to report that somebody is cutting her chain link fence.

• A woman called to report that somebody is shooting firearms in her neighborhood.

• An individual called to report a big black bear in the neighborhood.

• A woman called to report her neighbors are having a large fire.

• A woman called 911 to report there is a bat acting strange outside on her porch.