Sunday, March 16, 2025

Law enforcement report

| November 6, 2015 7:33 AM

From the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office


Compiled by BOB HENLINE

The Western News

Oct. 12

• Troy dispatch received a call regarding a man threatening his neighbors and walking around with a gun. The suspect was reportedly a registered violent offender.

• Deputies responded to a report of several suspicious vehicles parked together on Yaak River Road.


Oct. 13

• A caller reported suspicious individuals at a local casino. The individuals were no longer on the scene when officers arrived.

• A person on Conifer Road reported someone left burned matches on their steps. Someone also reportedly left a bicycle on their property.

• A man on Cedar Creek Extension reported a vehicle was abandoned in his driveway.

• A man called 911 to report his phone was not working and requested officers contact the phone company. Dispatch was informed the phone had been disconnected due to nonpayment.

• A caller from Reserve Road asked to speak with a deputy regarding a car purchase gone bad. The caller requested assistance obtaining the vehicle title.

• A caller came into the Sheriff’s Office to report a person running a stop sign at Cedar and Louisiana.

• A caller reported a male had been sitting on a bench without moving for more than an hour.

• Troy dispatch received a call from Montana Highway Patrol requesting assistance from Troy Power because a semi took out a power line on Iron Creek Road.

• A Fish and Game employee reported to dispatch they witnessed two males shoot a bear in the middle of the road at Bobtail Cutoff. Officers were unable to locate the suspects.

• A woman called to report someone damaged the front end, grill and bumper of her car while she was parked at her sister’s house on Dome Mountain Ave.

• A woman called to report the theft of a 7mm Remington rifle from the back of her boyfriend’s truck while they were boating on Bull Lake. She attempted to contact the store where the gun was purchased, but the store would only release the serial number to law enforcement.

• A 24-year-old man was arrested for partner family member assault following reports that he pushed his father’s girlfriend over the couch.

• A caller from Crest Street reported hearing three gunshots, possibly from a high-powered rifle.

• A caller from Crossway Avenue reported hearing three gunshots, then another shot very close to their house. The caller reported seeing a bear in the area.


Oct. 14

• A man on Tamarack Trail reported an abandoned vehicle in his driveway.

• A woman was booked and released on charges of possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia.

• An invidivual went into the Sheriff’s Office to report harassment. Deputies confirmed similary pending cases in Flathead County.


Oct. 15

• Deputies arrested a 29-year-old man for a third offense D.U.I. after responding to a welfare check at a local motel.

• A man called to report a motorhome towing a horse trailer struck his pick-up on State Highway 37.

• A caller from Pinewood Drive reported receiving threatening text messages.

• A woman from Meadow Creek Road reported her neighbors were recording her.

• A caller reported a suspicious man was sitting under a tree near the library and making passers-by nervous. Officers investigated and learned the man was just talking to himself.

• A caller on Sheldon Flats Road requested to speak with an officer about drugs.

• A caller on Lakeview Road reported receiving a fraudulent telephone call from someone purporting to be from the Internal Revenue Service.

• A 31-year-old woman was arrested at a local trailer court for a probation violation.

• A caller from Timber Lane reported a man driving past her residence, yelling and threatening her.

• Deputies responded to a reported theft at a local clothing store.

• A caller on Lewis Loop reported suspected drug sales activity.

• A caller reported a brown bear in a parking lot on U.S. Highway 2.

• An individual called in to report their neighbor witnessed someone attempting to break into the caller’s vehicle.

• A caller reported a disabled vehicle on State Highway 37. No one was in the area, but the airbag was deployed and the windshield was broken.

• A man in custody in the Lincoln County jail reported another inmate had threatened his wife’s life.


Oct. 16

• A woman from Spencer Road called to report observing a man dressed in black in her neighborhood.

• A caller reported a bear sow with two cubs was trapped in her yard.

• A man on Flower reported the theft of items from his daughter’s vehicle.

• A woman on Eighth Street requested law enforcement assistance to remove a man from her property.

• A man operating an online business reported the theft of packages from his outgoing mail.

• A caller reported a possible drunk driver on a motorcycle between Troy and Bull Lake.

• A caller from Troy advised law enforcement that she had been contacted by a person against whom she has a no-contact order.

• A caller reported a telephone scam involving a satellite television network.

• An officer from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks advised dispatch of individuals shooting at signs from a moving vehicle. The vehicle was reportedly driving erratically near Eureka.

• A caller on Winchester Drive reported his dogs were attacked by the neighbor’s dogs. He told dispatch he fired three shots into the ground near the dogs to break up the fight.


Oct. 17

• A woman on Montana Avenue reported two bears were near her house.

• A 24-year-old was arrested for driving under the influence, third offense.

• A caller from Indian Head Road went into the Sheriff’s Office to sign a complaint regarding the vandalism of his sign.

• A caller on Timber Lane requested extra law enforcement patrols of their area because the neighbors had been having a lot of traffic at all hours of the night.

• A caller on Idaho Avenue reported a man driving with a strong odor of alcohol.

• A 59-year-old woman was arrested in Troy for driving with a suspended license.

• A woman was arrested at a residence on Farm to Market Road after her grandmother called to report the woman was fighting with her boyfriend who had been drinking and wanted officers to prevent the boyfriend from leaving with a child.

• A 55-year-old man was arrested in Eureka on an outstanding warrant for a bad check.

• A caller on Montana Avenue reported a bear in a tree.

• Two women in Troy reported a bear outside their camper.

• A caller from a local convenience store reported a suspcious man in a parked car behind the business.


Oct. 18

• A woman called to report a sheep was following her near the Second Street extension and she was afraid it would go into the highway and be hit by a car.

• A caller from a local convenience store called 911 to report a transient had been sleeping in a white car in their lot for the past two days, selling random items to customers and begging for cigarettes.


Oct. 19

• A caller on Norman Avenue reported an injured deer in a neighbor’s yard.

• A caller from 10th Street reported the theft of his truck.

• A caller from a local motel reported the theft of medication from his vehicle.

• A caller from Westgate reported three horses loose on her property. She called back to inform dispatch the owner had arrived to remove the horses.

• A caller from Hammond Avenue reported a broken down rear door on the building behind theirs. The owner was contacted and was aware of the situation.

• A man from Bull Lake Road reported the unauthorized use of his credit card by his soon-to-be ex-wife.

• A woman from Ski Road reported she was receiving threatening text messages.

• A woman reported a man backed into her vehicle while in her driveway and had promised to repair the vehicle but was not answering or returning her calls. She requested an officer contact her to assist with the situation.