Saturday, March 15, 2025

What's being sprayed in our air?

by Gary Njirich
| March 27, 2015 11:15 AM

After reading media reports about how 2,000 geese dropped from the sky in Idaho.

I am in disbelief. How could that many geese just die in the air simultaneously from a disease?

I have personally worked with water fowl for many years and have found that diseased foul will die off in small groups or individually, over a long distance. For this many birds to just fall out of the sky is quite suspicious.

They had to encounter somthing in the air that more than likely affected their lungs or muscles.

I would like to suggest that an investigation into the continual spraying of crap in our skies by our goverment. Could this possibly be killing our wildlife as well as vegetation and us?

Our government - the EPA, in particular - cites and fines us in the Northwest for using wood stoves, a natural element and does nothing about spraying poisons into our atmosphere.

Just some food for thought.

— Gary Njirich, Libby