Saturday, March 15, 2025

Urbanization is government's goal

by Bill Payne
| March 10, 2015 8:38 AM

It appears the agenda of the federal government it to chase the rural residents of the west off their land and into the cities. In our area, they are using phony wildlife endangerment as justification to slow or end logging and mining on federal land. In other areas, fears of global warming are used as justification to regulate fossil fuel producers out of business. In Nevada, ranchers are being chased off federal land because their cattle suddenly pose a threat to the desert tortoise. Offshore drilling for oil in the United States has been mostly curtailed at the same time that Brazil was given foreign aid to develop its offshore oil fields.

In a broader sense, it seems to me our country is being deliberately sabotaged by excessive regulation, onerous taxation, self destructive trade agreements, aid to foreign countries (some of which are our enemies) and one-sided weapons reduction pacts. Clearly, I believe, the one-worlders have taken over control of our government. They have also taken control of mainstream news media and, as a result, the sell out of our nation is being hidden from view. This take over may not be obvious to the generation that followed mine. You lack the perspective of having actually lived at a time when government was much smaller and the impact on its citizens much less intrusive. For my generation, the loss of our freedom and the oppression by our government now versus the time of our youth is huge.

—  Libby