Police Blotter
Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office
May 31
• A woman called to report that her neighbors were playing music really loud. The police responded and advised her that they did not hear any music.
• A woman called to report that she has two baby Canada geese by the museum and one of them got hit. She was unable to catch the other baby and she is concerned that it may get killed.
• A mother called to report that her stepdaughter has been receiving threatening texts.
June 1
• A man found a dog harness and dropped it off at the police department.
• A woman called to report that somebody dumped his or her garbage out on the street.
• A man called to report that three teenagers yelled profanity at him and gave him the finger.
• A father called to report that his son is at his house and he’s very intoxicated. He wanted an officer to stop by his home.
• A man came to the police department to speak with an officer regarding a 12-year-old female. He feels that she is in danger.
• A woman called to report that her son is being very violent. He is pushing and shoving her. He is threatening to hurt himself.
June 2
• The police department received two calls for a tall man with hair walking down the middle of the street with a sleeping bag around his body.
• A baby moose was stranded on an island in the Kootenai River.
• A man called to report that he let his brother use his computer and now he sees that the same computer he has is now on sale on E-Bay.
• A man called to report that his family just got back from Oregon. Now his wife’s sister and boyfriend are threatening to kill them.
• A man put his pistol on top of his toolbox in the back of his pickup. When he drove off the pistol fell off and now he can’t find the pistol.
• A woman called to report that her prescription drugs might have been stolen.
• A man called to report that he found a tube of fishing poles.
• A woman called to report that there is a man running up and down the street acting violent. He tried to get into her car and when she yelled at him all he did was grunt and ran off.
• A man called to report that someone is shooting a pellet gun at deer.
June 3
• A man wearing a jean jacket was sitting in the middle of the road.
• A woman called to repot that a Doberman Pincher bit her. She was under the impression that the dog was going to be put down, but now it’s back running the neighborhood again.
• A woman called to report that her pony is missing.
• A woman called to report that somebody stole her wagon of forget-me-nots.
• A woman called to report that her black wallet is missing.
• A man called to report that his neighbor’s grandson is missing.
• A man called to report that his car had been stolen from his residence.
June 4
• A father called to report that his daughter is drinking and is on meth. He would like a police officer to stop by his home.
• A woman called to report that she is having trouble with her new neighbor at her new business location. She said he is very intimidating.
• A man called to report that he was shot at this morning.
• A daughter called to report her mother lost her ring in the Libby area.
• An individual called to report that there are two large dogs running the neighborhood. One of those dogs killed his neighbor’s chickens.
• A woman called to speak to a deputy about harassing phone calls she has been receiving.
• An individual called to report she saw a woman stumble while attempting to get into her vehicle while leaving the liquor store.
• A woman called to repot that a dog had bit a little girl.
• A man called to report that there is a vehicle with all its doors open in the middle of a parking lot.
June 5
• A woman called to report that someone just shot a gun near her apartment.
• A man reported that he had his camera stolen from his truck.
• A woman called to file a complaint about her neighbor’s dogs. They keep jumping at her fence. Her dogs and her children are worried that the dogs will eventually jump over the fence.
• A woman called to report a cat bite.
• A woman called to report that there were a lot of fireworks going off near her house. She found it a bit unnerving then said never mind and hung up the phone.
• An individual called to report that their house was broken into over the weekend. The door looks funny and they are missing personal belongings.
• The police department received a call about a driver driving all over the road.
• An individual called to report a dog bite.