Saturday, March 15, 2025

In Brief

| December 22, 2015 7:10 AM

Winter shooting league forming

Winter trap and skeet shooting league teams are now forming.

Nine-week league begins Jan. 16, 2016. Men, women and juniors of all skill levels.

Build your own five-person team or we can help you find a team.

League fees include targets, lunch and fun.

Prizes and gifts will be awarded in several categories, including a parent/youth category.

For more information call: Mike Cirian at 293-4608 or Dan Ackerman at 293-9395.


Cross-country ski update

South Flower was groomed today Friday. Conditions remain good, and  everything is groomed. There are some thin spots near the uphill banks or under trees on D spur and Roller Coaster but much better now with cooler temperatures and more snow. Enjoy the skiing.

First night ski session of the season is tentatively scheduled for Saturday Jan. 2.


State unemployment at four percent

Montana’s unemployment rate declined slightly by one-tenth of a percent to 4.0 percent in November.  The U.S. unemployment rate remained unchanged over the month at 5.0 percent.

“Montana workers and their families can have more cheer this holiday season with lower unemployment and higher wages than this time last year,” Governor Steve Bullock said.  “I remain committed to working with businesses and communities to continue our economic prosperity in the upcoming year.”


Fox finalizes sexual assault evidence task force 

Attorney General Tim Fox has appointed the final two members of the Sexual Assault Evidence Task Force, which he formed last month to examine the issue of unsubmitted sexual-assault evidence kits in Montana.

Alanna Sherstad will serve as the college campus representative on the task force. Alanna is director of the VOICE Center at Montana State University in Bozeman. Sherstad has served as director of the Center for seven years where students, faculty and staff can come and receive support and resources for cases of sexual assault and relationship violence.

Debbie Mulcahy will serve as the certified sexual-assault nurse examiner (SANE) representative on the task force. Debbie is a registered nurse at Kalispell Regional Medical Center and has worked as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner since 2003. She also instructs other Montana nurses to become SANE nurses.

“Alanna and Debbie bring much-needed perspectives to this task force,” Fox said. “We have brought together a group of talented, experienced individuals from across the state who care about this issue deeply and are committed to ensuring victims of sexual assault receive the justice they deserve.”

In the course of its investigation into an allegation of sexual assault, a law enforcement agency can request that a victim be examined for physical evidence of the assault. When the investigating agency or prosecutor has determined that the evidence should be submitted to the state crime laboratory for processing, that evidence is processed by the laboratory free of charge.


MWA winter hikes

Welcome winter by joining Montana Wildnerness Association for a healthy snowshoe walk, eco-trek, and/or themed hike. On Jan. 23, MWA will be sponsoring a “Winter Snowshoe Trek” where we will take it all in. We’ll scope for tracks and sign, wildlife, evergreen plants, birds of prey and whatever else we find. We will meet at 9 a.m. at Libby Café. 

On Jan. 30, we will meet at 9 a.m. at Snappy Sport Center in Kalispell for “Animal Tracking and Sign Interpretation.” It’s that time of year where wildlife shows its path on a blank sheet of snow, and this one is always fun and interesting.

A special program to honor our veterans and their families will be presented Feb. 13, “Veteran’s Valentine Venture,” exploring the winter woods. You do not have to be a veteran to attend, but we sure welcome our military men and women of all eras to join us. For this class we will meet at Libby Café at 9 a.m. 

To register go to and see Flathead-Kootenai Chapter hikes and follow the easy to follow directions or call Brian at: 406-291-2154. Interested parties can also email Ashley at:


Libby Community Prayer Jan. 14

All are invited to be a part of “Libby Community Prayer” meeting starting Jan. 14. The (usually) one hour meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. and the permanent location of the meeting will be the community room at First Montana Bank (504 Mineral Avenue). The meeting will still be each second and fourth Thursday of each month. Call Pastor Rich Cloyed at 293-6916 for more information.


Christmas dinner at Libby Christian Church

A homemade Christmas dinner will be served at Libby Christian Church from noon until 2 p.m. on Christmas Day. There is no charge for the meal and everyone is welcome to attend this delicious meal, shared among friends in a beautiful Christmas setting. Meals will be available for home delivery to shut-ins. If you are unable to leave your home and would like a dinner, please call 293-3747 on Christmas morning to make delivery arrangements. Libby Christian Church is located at 100 Kootenai River Road.


National gas prices dip below $2.00 per gallon

Average retail gasoline prices in Montana have fallen 6.5 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $2.09 per gallon yesterday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 615 gas outlets in Montana. This compares with the national average that has fallen 1.6 cents per gallon in the last week to $1.99 per gallon, according to gasoline price website 

Including the change in gas prices in Montana during the past week, prices yesterday were 26.3 cents per gallon lower than the same day one year ago and are 20.9 cents per gallon lower than a month ago. The national average has decreased 8.4 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 39.4 cents per gallon lower than this day one year ago.


Mini Make Faire seeking exhibitors

Back by popular demand, the third annual Kalispell Mini Maker Faire is scheduled for Feb. 27, 2016 at Flathead Valley Community College. Sponsored by FVCC and ImagineIF Libraries, Kalispell Mini Maker Faire is a gathering of tech enthusiasts, do-it-yourselfers, hobbyists, engineers, scientists and artists of all ages. All of these makers come to Maker Faire to show what they have made and share what they have learned through interactive exhibits, hands-on demonstrations and informative presentations.

Kalispell Mini Maker Faire is now accepting applications from makers who would like to exhibit their work at the event. There is no charge to be an exhibitor. The application form is online at and must be submitted electronically by 5 p.m. on February 15, 2016. Preference will be given to makers who can teach a skill through a hands-on activity and/or demonstrate a unique skill or craft.