Saturday, December 28, 2024

The game is rigged to favor global elites

by Dan Misuik
| December 15, 2015 6:57 AM

To the Editor:


Until the majority of people worldwide realize the game is rigged and controlled by a very few powerful elites, the game will continue, the score will be bleak and humanity will remain controlled, manipulated and never truly be free.

The power is with the many. We can change the score. Their control relies on our compliance. We’re being molded and indoctrinated into a system of their desire— Agenda 21 (sustainable growth) and the new world order.

It’s like the human race on this planet has been infiltrated and hijacked by some dark evil force determined to change the normal course of life as we know it. This takeover didn’t start yesterday It’s been going on for a very long time.

The world we live in doesn’t have to be this way. We’re being lied to at various levels escalating daily. I believe they’re afraid of the awakening taking place and growing, and people becoming more in tune as we enter into a new cycle of awareness.

I find it interesting that some of the past Hollywood science fiction movies seem to be a reflection into our future.

One that stands out to me is Star Wars. Join the dark side or the force, the good side. The choice is ours, There is no in between. The future is not set in stone. 

A quote form the movie Star Wars, “May the force be with you.”


Dan Misiuk,
