Saturday, December 28, 2024

Explore the world beyond your personal comfort zone

by Liz Whalen
| December 4, 2015 7:47 AM

Guest Commentary:


The same old, same old. I tend to gravitate towards the activities that I am good at. Why? Because they are easy for me and I enjoy them the most. Strength training and just about any physically active thing outside is what I prefer to do. It is ingrained in my head and there is no struggle to complete once or twice in my day. This is healthy right? I am active. I do something every day. Is this enough? Well, the answer is yes but also no.

As human beings we are creatures of habit. We gravitate towards the same, comfortable activity all the time. Does that mean it is the best thing for us? Absolutely not. It means that you are comfortable with your routine. Maybe that routine is eating a pastry for breakfast everyday. While yes eating breakfast is important, however a pastry item may not be the most nutritious option for daily consumption. If you are looking for health improvements then maybe making a change or adding more variety to your breakfast will assist you in reaching your health goals. Trying something new takes time. Time to adjust your routine and make it second nature. This new routine can really enhance how you feel and act.  

The same goes for exercise. The same routine you have been doing for six months, a year, five years or maybe even longer might be doing as much harm as it is good and yet you still gravitate towards it. Why? Because it is comfortable and easy. It requires little thought or energy to complete and is part of your routine. I do the exact same thing. It is normal to do this, but lately I have been trying to expand and try new activities. I want to challenge my mind and body. I want to move my body in ways that I have never moved it before. I want to work on my weaknesses versus focusing only on my strengths. I want to add these challenges to my day, month, year and life all the time.  

Stepping out of my comfort zone is hard. I am worried that I may not be good enough. I start to compare myself to others. I have to tell myself to stop, breathe and just focus on me. Focus on my plan, progression and personal goals all while supporting those around me as well. Over time this new challenging activity starts to become a normal part of my day or week and more familiar.  

Part of what I do as a trainer is help guide people through this process. You are not alone. I am here to help you, as are other dedicated health practitioners in town. I practice yoga to slow down and focus on each movement and clear my head of negative thoughts and feelings. I trail run/walk instead of road run to get away from the hustle and bustle of the world into the peace and quiet of nature. I also would like to relearn how to cross country ski this winter because it sounds fun and it has been a while since I have done it.

Step out of your comfort zone.  Sign up for a new class, learn a new exercise to incorporate into your routine, learn a new sport or activity and better yet, invite others to join in with you. There are plenty of opportunities for you. Take a step outside of your comfort zone and explore.  


Liz Whalen is a personal trainer and health fitness specialist who lives and works in Libby. She blogs at