Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lincoln County Sheriff's Office

| August 11, 2015 8:39 AM

Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office

July 30

• The police received a call about a suspicious vehicle parked in Pioneer Park.

• The police received a call about a woman who has been dumping her garbage at Pioneer Park. The deputy made contact with the woman and she has no idea how her garbage ended up at the park. She has made an appointment to make different arrangements to dispose of her garbage.

• The police received a call about a man riding the train.

• A man called to report that him and his wife are being harassed on the Internet by a woman.

• A man called to report that he hit a fawn on his way to work.

• An elderly woman accidently called 911 several times. She said it was an accident and doesn’t know how to turn her phone off.

• A man called to report he heard loud noises that sounded like a gunshot. He did mention that they could be fireworks.

• A 60-year-old man called to report that a bee has stung him and that he is allergic.

• A woman called to report that her neighbors are playing loud music. She would like a deputy to respond to tell them to turn it down.

July 31

• 911 received a call about a man who wrecked his bicycle.

• The police received a call about a man sitting on the porch of a business for five hours.

• A man called to report that his neighbor’s dog has been barking all afternoon.

• An individual stopped by the police station to discuss a stolen Social Security card.

• A man called to speak to a deputy regarding slander.

• A woman called 911 to report her grandmother has her by the hair and will not let her go.

• A man called to report two men walking on a walking path with a three-year-old girl.

• A man called to report that he is receiving threatening calls from his neighbor.

• A man called to report two scruffy looking men have been casing his place all night.

• A man called 911 to report two men fighting with knives in the middle of the street.

• A woman called to report her 16-year-old son is out of control.

• 911 received a call about two horses being loose on highway 2.

• A woman called to report that she can’t fall asleep because her neighbors have their music turned up to full force.

August 1

• A woman called to report an intoxicated man who is stumbling up and down the street.

• A man called to report two teenagers riding their skateboards on the highway.

• A man called to report that two individuals are on his property. He advised them that they are not supposed to be on his property.

• A man called to report that his neighbors are fighting again.

• A man called to report that one of his vehicles is missing. He believes it was stolen.

• A man called to report he received a threatening letter. He would like to speak to a city officer.

• A woman called to report that her neighbors have been playing music loud every night.

• A woman called to report that she saw smoke in the Upper Yaak.

• 911 received multiple calls about an outhouse being on fire.

• A man called to report that he hit a deer.

• A man called to report that his wife has mental issues. He said she was violent and he had to leave the house for the night.

• A woman called to report that she was verbally abused at the casino.

• A woman called to report that she hit a deer.

• A man called to report that somebody drove through his field last night and knocked over a stack of logs.

• A woman called to report that a man and a woman are fighting outside their house. She believes that they are both intoxicated.

August 2

• A man brought in a wallet he found on the walking path.

• A woman called to report she is receiving threatening texts from a man.

• A woman called to report that her neighbors are playing their music loud.

• A woman called to report a homeless man is going around and knocking everybody’s door asking for money.

August 4

• A man called to report that there is a large group of kids walking down the street.

• A man called to report that somebody is in his shed.

• A woman called to report that a man is scratching his neighbor’s window.

• A man called to report that there is a car broken down on the side of the road and the vehicle has firewood in the back.

• A man called to speak to a deputy about how he can get back property that was taken from him while he was in the detention center.

• An individual called to report an injured bird.

• A woman called to report that she can see smoke in the area.

• A man called to report a dog bite.

• A man called to report drug use by his residence.

• A man called to report that his vehicle has been stolen.

• A woman called to report that individuals are trying to sell her drugs.

• 911 received a call about a bag of dead kittens that were left on the Kootenai River Bridge.

• A woman called to report that her neighbor’s dog attacked her when she walked outside. She said that if it happens again she won’t hesitate to use bear spray to protect herself.

• A man called to report that his wife is addicted to drugs.

• A man called to report his dog brought home some suspicious bones.

• An individual called to report a dead deer in the middle of the road.

• A man called to report that a deer was hit by a vehicle and is still in the middle of the road.