Sunday, March 16, 2025

Montana will benefit from passage of water compact

by Susan Lake
| April 28, 2015 8:54 AM

The Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes Water Compact is incredibly important to all of Montana, and while some may choose not to see that, many Montanans understand the necessity of this compact passing through the Montana State Legislature. Last week the compact successfully passed the Montana State House of Representatives and I would like to thank all those who supported it for listening to and working on behalf of their constituents.

Water supports agriculture, and agriculture supports our economy. Without the water right certainty that the compact provides, the livelihoods of many Montanans would be in jeopardy. Those who supported the compact have saved Montana water users from uncertainty as well as decades of expensive litigation.

Montana will greatly benefit from passage of the compact.

To the legislators who voted for SB 262, thank you for understanding the needs of the farmers, ranchers and individual water users throughout the state and for taking the time to read and learn about the benefits that the compact will provide to people in all corners of our state.


— Susan Lake,
