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State Parks seeks comment on fee rule

| September 9, 2014 1:31 PM

Montana State Parks is seeking public comment on the 2014 Biennial Fee Rule, an assemblage of user fees and associated rules for the Montana State Park system.

The proposed user fees include modest increases for camping, campsite electrical service, cabin, yurt and tipi rental, nonresident entry, nonresident annual entrance passes and Lewis and Clark Caverns tours. Specific highlights include: modest increases for campsite, cabin, yurt, tipi and electrical service fees for both resident and nonresidents; modest increase for nonresident daily entrance fees, and an increase for a nonresident annual entrance pass and granting resident camping fees to annual pass holders; modest increase for standard Lewis and Clark Caverns tour fees for adults; and an increase for winter candlelight tour fees for adults.

The fee rule would grant the authority to establish premium camping fees for select campsites based on popularity or other highly coveted amenities or locations.

User fees are the second largest source of revenue for Montana State Parks and are critical to sustaining a quality state park system. Montana State Parks does not receive revenue generated through hunting or fishing licenses. The last state parks user fee increase for residents occurred in 2003 and for nonresidents in 2010.

To review the proposed 2014 Montana State Parks Biennial Fee Rule and a reference to both current and proposed fees, visit and click on ‘Public Notices/Submit Comments’ on the right-hand task bar.

The public is invited to comment on the proposed user fee changes until the deadline of 5 p.m. Sept. 26.

Comments can be submitted online at the agency’s website.

The public can also send comments by regular mail to: Montana State Parks, 2014Biennial Fee Rule, P.O. Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620-0701.