Saturday, December 28, 2024

Lauer deserves our support, not flack from Benson

| October 24, 2014 11:13 AM

Re-elect Tammy Lauer. We the voters in Lincoln County voted a few years ago to make county positions non-partisan, so question: Why did Robin Benson have her party affiliation on some of her signs? Maybe she thought this would get her more votes.

The policy for our elections is: Signs are not to be put out more than 75 days before the election. Question two: Why did Benson put her signs out way earlier than 75 days? 

Voters, you may feel that these two issues are no big thing, but I think it shows Benson does what she wants even if it is against the policies of our elections.

I wonder if Benson asked permission of all land owners before posting her signs.

Concerning the budget: My understanding is that there were some problems before Tammy Lauer was in position of clerk and recorder. Tammy was given numbers from the previous clerk for the budget. 

Yes, Tammy made an error on a spreadsheet, but she had the integrity to take responsibility for the error. 

If Benson has all the knowledge and experience she claims, then question three: Why did she not find the mistake?

Benson is in for a rude awakening if she wins. She will then realize she does not have the control of all the issues that come with the job of clerk and recorder. She has been stating all she will do, but commissioners will be telling her what to do on a lot of the issues.

In ending I want to show my support for Tammy Lauer for keeping her as our clerk and recorder. She does not deserve the flack Benson has put out to the voters.

Get out and vote on Nov. 4. Let’s keep Tammy.

 — Menga Miller