Sunday, March 16, 2025

Mark Peck interview

by Phil Johnson
| October 21, 2014 12:00 PM

Some critics say you are too enmeshed within the “good ole boys” network in Lincoln County. Specifically what changes do you hope to make in the area that differentiate you from previous elected officials?

If the “good ole boys” are the countless folks who have lived, worked and raised their families, or retired here and feel disenfranchised from government, than I’m guilty as charged. I work professionally with several local, state and government officials and the job of commissioner will require even greater coordination. This is as “enmeshed” as I get. I am fiercely independent and not beholden to any one group other than my family.

If elected, I intend to carry out my duties as commissioner following the below principles:

• I will resign my position with DNRC and devote my full attention to the duties of Commissioner.

• After thorough analysis and maximum citizen input, I will make decisions based on a few guiding principles: One, is it the best decision for Lincoln County? Two, is it the best decision for Libby? And three, with thorough knowledge and appreciation that every dollar that I vote to spend was earned by someone else.

• I will work feverishly for more transparent, open county government and work with the other commissioners to increase citizen involvement in the management of Lincoln County. We need to be more accessible to the citizens. Article II, section 9 of the Montana Constitution provides for the right of citizens to “examine documents or to observe the deliberations of all public bodies, except in cases in which the demand of individual privacy clearly exceeds the merits of public exposure.” I will fight to ensure these rights are respected and observed to the best of my ability.

My one major promise is that I will seek citizen input, thoroughly analyze issues and there will be no ambiguity as to how and why I made a decision.

Everyone agrees it would be nice for Libby to return its glory days, but you were gone for decades putting together a career. Prove to voters you understand and appreciate recent changes in the area and detail your plan to turn the area around.

Today we face multiple complex challenges inhibiting our ability to restore a vibrant economy to our area. We have significant decreases in timber harvest on National Forest lands, loss of mill capacity in the county, negative image from Superfund status and lack of a shared economic development plan and consistent leadership from civic leaders. If elected, I will dedicate myself to restoring economic vitality to Lincoln County in the following areas:  

1. Work for cooperating agency status with Kootenai National Forest (KNF), under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), on planning level analysis to maximize our influence over timber harvest levels, wilderness study designation and motorized/non-motorized recreation opportunities.  

2. Commit to total participation on the KNF Stakeholders’ to provide additional influence on forest projects.

3. Coordinate with state and federal legislative delegations, neighboring counties and the National/Montana Associations of Counties, to make changes to the Equal Access to Justice, NEPA and the Endangered Species acts.   

4. Work aggressively with the EPA and Montana Department of Environmental Quality to ensure the final record of decision provides for maximum public health, effective institutional controls, fulfills the original intent of the Gov. Martz “silver bullet” designation and provides for a national marketing plan accurately reflecting the public health status in south Lincoln County.

5. Ensure full participation by the commissioners on the Port Authority board and work for a more countywide planning approach to economic development.

6. Provide leadership to bring elected officials, business and civic organizational leaders together and develop a shared, coordinated approach to economic development in Libby and Lincoln County.  

7. Working with fellow commissioners, provide competent, effective, fiscally responsible county government.