Saturday, March 15, 2025

Police blotter

| November 7, 2014 11:25 AM

Lincoln County

 Sheriff’s Office

Oct. 20

• A 48-year-old woman was arrested at the Port of Rooseville on a Montana Highway Patrol warrant. She was released after paying fines.

• A man reported that the license plate was stolen from his vehicle on Highway 2 near the cemetery. The car had been parked with a for-sale sign in it.

• A caller reported a German shepherd running in and out of traffic on Highway 2 near Aitkens South.

• A man was arrested in Eureka on charges of partner/family member assault.

• A man on Border Lane reported that the head and horns from a buck his daughter shot had been stolen from his residence.

• A man on Meadow Creek Road reported that his house had been burglarized while he was out of town.

Oct. 21

• An agent from the child abuse hotline reported that a man and his wife were in the emergency room in Kalispell and left their 2-year-old child unattended at home in Libby.

• A caller reported a truck losing wood from its load near Vanderwood.

• A woman on Louisiana Avenue reported several items stolen from her porch.

• A caller on Spruce Street reported change stolen out of a car.

• A man on Conifer Road reported trespassers on his property.