Sunday, March 16, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Divert attention and protection to veterans

| July 25, 2014 2:00 PM

Letter to the Editor:

Without our veterans and those who made the ultimate sacrifice, where  would America be today? It is anyone’s guess, however certainly not the freedom and liberty we enjoy. We have ownership, jobs, health care, cars, any number of opportunities, we fought for freedom over a few centuries.   

There are those who would take away what we have as Americans. We  continue to maintain an armed force to protect our boarders so we can  continue to enjoy what we do have. Something to give serious thought to. Our men and women in uniform stand ready and willing to rise to those who would take away our freedom.  

Those who survived the battles of years’ past and present day, many come home broken in need of help as was promised.   Where does this help come from?  

It comes from Veterans Affairs, a government-run agency regulated by our government. But in view of  scandalous indiscretions, many veterans are simply tossed aside in a hurry  up and wait situation whereas many die just waiting for help.  

What is wrong with this picture? Improprieties and interpretation of who gets  what and for what, torn bodies, PTSD, cancer. O, just let them wait, maybe they will die.  

Is this how our veterans should be treated who  fought the battles? The American people need to stand up and be counted, urge our elected legislators to do what is right to care for those in need. Call your  members of Congress to do what is right for our veterans.  

—John Bury 

Media, Penn.