Saturday, December 28, 2024

It's high time we restore America's original law form

| January 28, 2014 10:29 AM

Letter to the Editor,

The foundation for the American law form, which is found in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence, is the single most-profound radical statement in European and Western political history.  It states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Today, we find nothing spectacular about this statement, but at the time of the inception of the Declaration of Independence, this concept was totally unheard of — that all men would have equal rights under God.  Not equal things, but equal God-given rights. This would mean the people would no longer be serfs, but would be elevated to have the same sovereign rights that only kings had.  

America, this is your foundation for the American law form, the envy of the world.

If you compare the previous law form in Great Britain at the time of King George III, the standard pecking order was:

No. 1 — the King (sovereign and with all rights)

No. 2 — the Church of England

No. 3 — the lords and nobility

No. 4 — the serfs (common people with no sovereignty or rights)

This was the form of government from which the founding fathers wanted America to free itself.

Relying on wisdom from God, the founding fathers established the following law form for America:

No. 1 — God  (Supreme Sovereign)

No. 2 —“ We the people “ (sovereign under God)    

No. 3 — the U. S. Constitution with the original Bill of Rights

No. 4 — the federal government (which the U.S. Constitution created, with its strict limited enumerated powers to be servants of the people — and this is where the term “public servant” originated).

 So, what has happened to the original American law form?  

The pecking order has changed dramatically. Today, “We the people” have been demoted from the No. 2 spot directly under God to the No. 4 spot, which is the bottom of the pecking order where the federal government is supposed to be.  

The federal government has encroached and usurped its way up the American law form to the No. 2 position, and, with a little more help from the Supreme Court, will occupy the No. 1 spot held by God.  

We have replaced God with the federal government.  

Do you think God is going to stand for this much longer?  I don’t think so. We the people have neglected our responsibility and need to restore the original American law form before it’s too late.  So help us God.

— Tony Kimberlin
