Saturday, March 15, 2025

KVCS fifth-grader heads to bee finals

by Alan Lewis Gerstenecker
| February 25, 2014 10:19 AM

Aleah Ford, 11, might be small in stature, but when it comes to spelling, she’s mighty.

Ford won the District Spelling Tournament representing students in the fifth through eighth grades. Christian school students from Montana and Idaho competed in the annual Association of Christian Schools International Regional. For winning, she has earned the right to compete in the national tournament in May in Plano, Texas.

“She’s a pretty good speller,” said proud mother, Ann Ford. “But she really works at it. She studies hard.

A straight-A student of Penny Thompson’s class at Kootenai Valley Christian School, Ford is a little like David slaying Goliath as she topped not only students in her grade, but through the eighth grade as well.

“I have to say it was an awesome experience,” Ford said. “It is a lot of work, but I enjoy it.”

In preparation for her trip to the Finals, she will be studying 38 pages of recommended words.

“Many of them I can’t even begin to spell,” her proud father, Bryce Ford, said.

Still Aleah takes it all in stride, as if it’s part of her regular studies.

The Fords are hoping to raise enough money to pay for Aleah’s trip to the national spelling bee in Texas.

Persons wishing to contribute toward expenses for Ford’s trip should call KVCS at 293-2303 or go to and contribute.