Saturday, March 15, 2025

Boy, 17, charged with sexual assault

| February 11, 2014 11:11 AM

A 17-year-old boy is being charged with two felony counts after an incident with a 13-year-old girl. The boy is charged with sexual intercourse without consent as well as sexual assault. The boy is a senior in high school. The girl is in eighth grade.

A Monday district court hearing resulted in the young man being released on $100,000 bond by Judge James Wheelis.

The boy is represented by Stephen H. Dalby. Deputy Lincoln County Attorney Robert Slomski will prosecute.

According to police records, the girl’s text messages show the boy suggested the encounter, saying he would take her virginity, if she wanted. The girl said she did not care and later left a family member’s house at night and walked to the boy’s house. According to documents, the two fell asleep watching television, awoke and relocated to the boy’s bed. The extent of the sexual activity is unclear. Documents also state the boy told the girl to not tell anyone or he would be in trouble. Police documents state the two did not seem to be in a relationship.

Both felony counts are punishable by prison terms of no less than four years and up to life, as well as $50,000 fines.

The boy will be allowed to attend school and participate in sports practices. Outside of school he will be under house arrest. The next court date is scheduled for 9:30 a.m.  March 3.